I’ll be the first to admit that life can be overwhelming at times. Working full-time, shuffling through my kids and grandkids’ crazy schedules, managing my business as an entrepreneur, and trying to make a little bit of me time whenever I can, often leads to me feeling worn out and stressed.
The process of personal growth is never-ending. There’s always something to improve on: whether it’s learning how to better communicate with others, controlling your emotions, or simply setting time aside for yourself, our growth potential is limitless.
As a professional author and grant writer, writing is a huge part of my life. I deal with all styles of writing: fun, informative, long, to-the-point. While the content may be different, one thing remains the same: they require correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar to properly get their message across.
We all face internal fears: giving a speech in front of a large crowd, asking our boss for a raise, skydiving, etc. What if things don’t turn out our way? This fear can sometimes be beneficial, in that it encourages caution when caution is due. But it also limits us to what we can accomplish since it makes us afraid to challenge ourselves.
If you’ve been following me on social media, you’ll know that I love a good girls trip. Whether it’s sipping on some wine in Sonoma County or jetting off to a book conference, bonding with my close girlfriends in a distant location is something that I find both fun and therapeutic. That’s not to say that planning a trip is a piece of cake. On the contrary, there are many factors to consider. Things to do, what to see, how to get there, etc. At times, (especially with a large group), some personalities tend to lead while others are left feeling left out.
This hot weather has me feeling all sorts of summer feels. I find myself constantly wishing to sip on a delicious cocktail while laying beachside and having some much-needed me time. So, in honor of summertime and daydreaming, I put together a list of beaches I wouldn’t mind being whisked away to. Now, who’s with me?!
New Orleans has a rich and intriguing history of food, jazz music and cocktails. In fact, the Big Easy is credited with creating the very first cocktail. They say a man by the name of Antoine Amedie Peychaud was best known for creating a special cure-all bitters from a Haitian family recipe to cure a variety of ailments. He’d mix his famous concoction and add some of his favorite Cognac and a splash of absinthe–this became the first cocktail and is now known as the New Orleans official cocktail. The Sazerac.
If you want to reach more readers and make more money you should publish your books on both IngramSpark and KDP (formerly Createspace). Read on for reasons why.
Most of us are not looking to become millionaires. We just want enough wealth that provides financial security for our families and allows us to enjoy small luxuries every once in a while, like vacations, and new cars. But unfortunately, getting to that level of financial security – for some – is easier said than done.
For a working mom, it may seem impossible to balance a career, a marriage, health, happiness, and a relationship with your children all at once, but trust me, it is possible. According to the Center for American Progress, “women now make up half of all workers in the United States, with nearly 4 in 10 homes having a mom that is also a working mother.” With so many women working full-time and being responsible for their little one’s well-being, the feelings of guilt and stress because of divided attention between work and family are feelings many of us have had to go through.
In life, you’re constantly being told what to do, think, and how and when to do things. All these voices can lead to confusion and exhaustion – making finding your way in life hard at times.
We’ve all heard that customer happiness is key to achieving business success. This is nothing new. And for good reason: it’s 100% true. A happy customer will likely keep coming back to purchase the products or services you offer and can also refer new clients to your business. On the other hand, if you have a dissatisfied customer, they will most likely stop doing business with you altogether.
June is the perfect time to get outside and take in the beautiful scents, sights, and feelings of summer. And with National Gardening Week and National Gardening Exercise Day (yes there’s a holiday for that), taking place this month, now is the perfect time to put those gloves and shovels to work and begin perfecting your garden.
Cinco de Mayo has come and gone but who needs a holiday to drink a margarita? A few months ago, rapper E-40 released a new Tequila called E. Cuarenta– which is the perfect go-to spirit for this month’s sweet and picante cocktail.
Are you getting paid what you deserve? If not, have you been hesitant to speak up for fear of sounding ungrateful or coming off as “aggressive”? As women, these are worries society has placed upon us when it comes to us demanding for fair pay.
When it comes to money and publishing, many people in this space have a crazy misconception about how much money is or is not being made by authors. People are super curious about the compensation authors receive and my inbox and email are full of these questions. To the surprise of many, the amount differs between indie/self-published authors and traditionally published authors.
Sure, what mom doesn’t enjoy receiving Mother’s Day gifts? But this holiday is much more than spending money. It’s about spending quality time with one of the most important people in your life. So instead of focusing all your energy on getting mom a glamorous gift, save some of that energy for treating her to a day that’s all about her.
We all go through loneliness at some point in our lives. Whether it’s feeling left out from a group, not having a significant other, or even being surrounded by a crowd and still feeling empty, loneliness is something that creeps up within us from time to time. The good news is that this feeling can be overcome by the following actions:
Today let’s chat about the age old concept: Work Life Balance.
With Earth Day being celebrated this month, I’ve been thinking about simple ways I can help the planet. Reducing waste, conserving water, choosing sustainable seafood, using reusable shopping bags, and more.